Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts

Saturday 5 March 2016


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The Windows 8 lock screen is more than just a background image. On this screen, you’ll find apps and widgets that provide useful notifications and alerts, like the local weather forecast, social notifications, messages, and new emails. In just a few simple steps, you can Change Windows 8 Lock Screen and customize it to your liking.

Seeing the same picture on lock screen again and again may get boring, To see Different Pictures on the lock screen that will be new to your eyes and which will also please your eyes, you need to change windows 8 lock screen, So here is how you can do it step by step.


  1. Hover your mouse to the Right Corner of your screen, to show up charm bar.
  2. Check the bottom of the chamber to find “Change PC Settings” Click on it from the Settings charm.
  3. Select Personalize > Lock Screen.
  4. Choose a background image from your computer, your camera, your SkyDrive account or Bing.
Once you select an image, your settings will be changed automatically. You also have the option of installing an app that will change your photo automatically each day or at set intervals. This is a great way to keep your lock screen fresh and interesting.


Though We Learned How to Change Windows 8 Lock screen or login screen, you may even Completely Disable Login screen in Windows 8 or 7.
change windows 8 lock screen

To add an app, simply click on the plus button. A list of available apps will pop up where you can select the app you wish to add. Your lock screen can display up to 7 different apps, but the four default apps included in Windows 8 are Calendar, Weather, Mail, and Messaging.
Third-party apps can also be added, but you will have to set the appropriate permissions for the app to display notifications. Permissions can be set through the Settings pane of the selected app.
The current date, time and the status of your battery (if applicable) will also display on your lock screen. Unfortunately, these elements cannot be customized.
This was a short but useful tutorial to change windows 8 lock screen picture in 4 simple steps. Subscribe to my blog posts using the below subscription box to keep getting useful articles directly to your inbox.
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Today I will be sharing some cool tricks and tweaks by which you will be able to Speed up the Chrome browser. Do you know that experts who are sitting at future marks say that Google Chrome is one of the fastest internet browsers? Rightly said, As you have already experienced while using google chrome that it really works faster and smoother compared to another internet browser. Google chrome uses DNS prefetching and speedy (SPDY) protocols instead of simply using HTTP. These DNS prefetching and SPDY protocols load up your page in advance so that you need not wait for more time.

Speed Up Chrome

But It happens many times that google chrome starts working very slow and believe me that is very frustrating. But you need not worry anymore because listed below are some nice tricks to speed up chrome browser



I can bet you that you are using many plugins which are generally not in your use. To work faster and smoother on your chrome browser you must have some selected plugins installed. Too many plugins can slow up your browsing speed. Follow the steps below and start removing your extra plugins from your browser.
1. Open your chrome browser and go to the following address
2. Uncheck the plugins which are not in your use. You can also delete these plugins unwanted plugins. Understand that you may not be able to delete or uninstall these plugins, you can only disable them
Note: Be very careful while unchecking or deleting your unwanted plugins because there are many plugins which are responsible for the performance of your browser. You may not want to disable plugins like flash because many web sites use flash to display web pages.


You might wonder if Plugins and extensions are almost similar to each other?  Plugins are usually third party programs that are needed to enhance the speed and performance of your browser but other than these extensions are specifically needed for browsers.
These Extensions really slows up your browser and can affect your browsing speed very badly. To avoid this thing you just need to follow the below steps carefully:-
1. Open your chrome browser and type the following address in the address bar
To check the full list of extensions installed in your browser, simply click on the wrench icon on your toolbar, navigate to Tools and then click on Extensions.
2. You will now go to see an extensions list which is supporting your browser

Today I will be sharing some cool tricks and tweaks by which you will be able to Speed up the Chrome browser. Do you know that experts who are sitting at future marks say that Google Chrome is one of the fastest internet browsers? Rightly said, As you have already experienced while using google chrome that it really works faster and smoother compared to another internet browser. Google chrome uses DNS prefetching and speedy (SPDY) protocols instead of simply using HTTP. These DNS prefetching and SPDY protocols load up your page in advance so that you need not wait for more time.

But It happens many times that google chrome starts working very slow and believe me that is very frustrating. But you need not worry anymore because listed below are some nice tricks to speed up chrome browser



I can bet you that you are using many plugins which are generally not in your use. To work faster and smoother on your chrome browser you must have some selected plugins installed. Too many plugins can slow up your browsing speed. Follow the steps below and start removing your extra plugins from your browser.
1. Open your chrome browser and go to the following address
2. Uncheck the plugins which are not in your use. You can also delete these plugins unwanted plugins. Understand that you may not be able to delete or uninstall these plugins, you can only disable them
Note: Be very careful while unchecking or deleting your unwanted plugins because there are many plugins which are responsible for the performance of your browser. You may not want to disable plugins like flash because many web sites use flash to display web pages.


You might wonder if Plugins and extensions are almost similar to each other?  Plugins are usually third party programs that are needed to enhance the speed and performance of your browser but other than these extensions are specifically needed for browsers.
These Extensions really slows up your browser and can affect your browsing speed very badly. To avoid this thing you just need to follow the below steps carefully:-
1. Open your chrome browser and type the following address in the address bar
To check the full list of extensions installed in your browser, simply click on the wrench icon on your toolbar, navigate to Tools and then click on Extensions.
2. You will now go to see an extensions list which is supporting your browser.
3. Simply uncheck the extensions which are not needed or just delete those extensions which are not needed in the future.
You will surely see some changes in your browsing speed as you delete those extensions from your browser.


You already know that if you browse any website, chrome automatically collects the cached text, cookies and other kinds of website data. That is why when we click again on that website address it consumes less time for loading that web page.
Although cached and cookies are really made to speed up chrome browser sometimes it happens that they are responsible for decreasing your browsing speed and lagging.
Following steps will be helping you in clearing your browsing data:-

1. Click on Control and customize the chrome button or Wrench icon as I mentioned earlier.
2. Choose Tools > Clear browsing data.
3. Simply, choose the time range and other types of extra features that are listed below in that dialog box, hit Clear browsing data.
That’s all. I hope this article will some what help you clear your question of how to speed up the chrome browser?  if you face any type of problem or confusion after reading this article you can surely leave a comment below in the comment box.

4. Run the Chrome Cleanup Tool in your Windows

Chrome Cleanup Tool is an official tool from Google. Chrome Cleanup Tool will scan and remove software that may cause problems with Chrome, such as crashes, unusual startup pages or toolbars, unexpected ads you can’t get rid of, or otherwise changing your browsing experience.

Currently, this tool is available for only Windows PC.

Chrome Cleanup Tool

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By default, Windows does not allow users to Copy text and Paste it in Command prompt Or Copy text from Command prompt and paste it elsewhere. But there is an option in CMD itself to enable Copy & Paste Text in Windows Command Prompt.
Today in this tutorial we will learn how to Enable Copying and Pasting Texts in the Windows Command prompt. One of the main advantages of this will be that you can copy any command that you find on the internet or from any word/excel file and paste it directly in CMD and execute that command just like that.

Step 1: Open CMD, Just type CMD in search or Press Win + X key to select Command Prompt.
Step 2: Right-click on the Title of the CMD window and Select Properties just like its shown in the below Picture

Enable Copy paste in CMD

Step 3: You will see a Pop-up Window coming up, Now on the Right-hand side, Under Edit Options, Just Check Quick Edit Mode and click OK
Step 4: Everything is Done, Now just Copy any Text from Here or Anywhere else Using CTRL + C keys and just Right-click using your mouse on CMD. You will see that the text is been pasted automatically in CMD. Please Understand that Using CTRL + C to Copy text is Important.
Likewise, if you wish to Copy Text from CMD to paste elsewhere then Just Select the Text in CMD and Again just Right Click with the mouse. Your Text is Copied and ready to Paste it in any Document you want.
This Doesn’t Limit you to just Text you can even copy File or Folder path and paste it in CMD. Everything that you have to type manually can be copied from somewhere and pasted directly to CMD with this small Tweak
So this was just a small Tip I wanted to share with my Readers so that you don’t have to Type any long Command in CMD which if typed incorrectly can cause errors. I hope this will help some Of you.
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To Share Your Wi-Fi Access With Your Friends Coming To Your House : Generate A QR Code With The Access Details. Print It And Stick It On The Wall.

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To Share Your Wi-Fi Access With Your Friends Coming To Your House: Generate A QR Code With The Access Details. Print It And Stick It On The Wall.

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You Can Create A Book With Cool Index Page And Contents From A Wikipedia Article


You Can Create A Book With Cool Index Page And Contents From A Wikipedia Article............................................................................................


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While Travelling Open Http://En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Special:Nearby In Your Phone To Read Articles Based On Your Location

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In Your PC Just Create A Folder With The Name Given Below And Access Everything

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In Your PC Just Create A Folder With The Name Given Below And Access Everything

In Your PC Just Create A Folder With The Name Given Below And Access Everything

In Your PC Just Create A Folder With The Name Given Below And Access Everything
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