Sunday 6 March 2016


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Many times when we are randomly opening pages of some websites or going through different sites, we see some topics which seem really interesting. Often when we are looking for some particular topic, we reach some other post which is interesting too but we have to continue to our search and leave that page half-heartedly. Many of you might be aware of the default option provided by browsers for saving web pages to your computer and read them later while you are offline. You can do it by using the option “ Save Webpage As…”

But these web pages saved by this method are not that good quality files. When reading, it seems that we are still looking at the website and not on our computer. So today I am going to tell you a trick to Convert Webpage to PDF and saving it to your computer simultaneously.


There are two very simple and automated methods to Convert Webpage to PDF format.

METHOD 1: PDFMYURL.COM is a website that provides service of converting any webpage to pdf format and make it available to save on your system free of cost with the blink of your eye. It is very fast.
All you have to do is simply open the PdfmyURL website and paste the desired URL or website address which you want to convert to pdf and click on the button placed at the right side of the text box. It will convert that URL into pdf format and ask for saving to your system.


You can convert webpage to pdf from popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome by installing a Nova PDF creator that works as a virtual PDF printer. Once the printer is installed, you can simply print to it and a PDF file will be generated.
Just download this software from their official site here: DOWNLOAD
Install it to your computer and then it will automatically add a new option to your browser’s print button i.e. Nova print server. Select it and click on print. It will save that URL as pdf. You can also set margins of the page using page setup before downloading the pdf to set the size of pdf file you want.
So this was all about saving a web page as pdf document now I would also like to tell you about How to convert word document to pdf file.

It is a simple task to convert any word file to pdf file. It can be done online or by some software. The best way to do it is by using
his site will do your work in three simple steps. Browse your file, Enter your email address, click on convert and within a few minutes the converted pdf file will reach your inbox. There are many other sites as similar so if this site doesn’t work for you, simply google it.

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Are you facing virus threats on your computer? Is your computer behaving abruptly or are you the victim of a disk crash?  Is your computer hacked by a Trojan horse virus attack? A Trojan horse virus attack is one of the most dangerous threats to your computer and needs to be fixed immediately. If it is not protected on time, then the virus can lead to failures in connecting to the IRC network or even worse can lead to your computer hacking and then your computer might be used by some anti-social elements in shaping some criminal attacks.


Before knowing how to remove this evil threat first one should know what actually a trojan horse is? It is a security breaking program, also malicious to your computer and is disguised in some benign object. It can be downloaded unknowingly through any document, executable, zip, movie or music file and unleashes a dangerous malware into your drive on executing the files.
This malware can completely wipe your disk or can even send your credit card details and passwords to any stranger on the web. It is not at all operating system specific. It can affect any operating system but affects windows more promptly due to its popularity and weaknesses. This is a silent attacker and many people come to know about its attack after it has infected other connections.


  • There are many ways one can avoid itself from being a victim of this malicious virus but the best is to be attentive in downloading and executing files from an unknown source or person and also doing a background check of it if downloading from a known source. But if you have already been a victim of it then you need to take immediate steps to remove it from your drive before it creates some major problem. You need to repair and then reformat your system completely to remove all malware which may take from several hours to several days.
It is quite possible that the removal has not been done properly and may lead to the coming back of the virus again and again in such cases you must take stronger measures to curb this problem.
  • Firstly you need to have anti-virus software installed in your system and that too an updated one or else they will miss the latest species of Trojan horse. Anti-virus software helps prevent the system from many Trojan viruses. Then make sure you have updated your operating system as well with all new security patches.
  • One may also have to install Anti-trojan programs like The Cleaner which specializes in Trojans. Once it is installed reboot your computer in safe mode and use the cleaner to clean all registries and drives for any Trojan suspected. Make sure the internet is unplugged while cleaning. Once cleaning is complete reboot the system again.
  • After using the cleaner make sure that you have updated your operating system and have changed all the passwords. Once the system is repaired make sure to take a backup of every data and reformat the system completely.

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With the easy use of technology today, everything seems to be super fast with the availability of anything and almost everything on fingertips. The improvement in technology has definitely changed the way we thought about computers and the enhanced user-friendly interface which provides a much faster as well as easier control of man over his machine.

The advantages linked with this improvement are innumerable, but every fort when looked closely would show some bits of cracks in one to two bricks. You may have occurred to thought once in your life that how much the digital data is important in your life and what if you lose it accidentally. Well, then surely you might find yourself engaged in trouble.


Below are a few simple steps to help you Recover Deleted Files from some external hard drive.
1. Prevent any further modifications in the drive you need to recover your data from If you have clicked on the delete button accidentally, and you need to get your data back, then the most important thing you must keep in mind is that you should not try to make any amendments in the files on the drive. This means do not delete any other data or add any data to the file. Just stop using it, and follow the proceeding steps.

2. Download a file Recovery Software from Internet (Recuva): Simply browse to Google, and search for some file recovery software online. You will get a good list of results, and you can choose to select any one of them after reviewing their features and other details.
Recuva is one of the most popular applications with some good reviews, and you may try it.

3. Install the Software and Follow the Instructions: Once you find the appropriate software, you may proceed to install it on your system, and then run it. It would then provide you a list of drives connected to your computer. Simply select the drive you need to recover drives from and start the scan. It would then provide you a list of files that existed on the drive in the past. Depending on the size of the drive, it may take time accordingly
4. Choose the files: After the list has been generated, all you need to do is tick mark the files you want to recover or select all if you need them all, and simply click on the “Recover” button.

Some other Recovery Softwares to Recover Deleted Files:
Apart from Recuva, there are several other free tools available in the market online which may help you with the Recover Deleted Files The names include Puran FileRecovery, Glary Undelete, SoftPerfect File Recovery, Pandora Recovery, Restoration, Avira UnErase Personal, Free Undelete, ADRC Data Recovery Tools and CD Recover Toolbox.
All these applications are completely free of cost and have a user-friendly interface. You may simply type “file recovery software” in Google to catch the best results, or query “download Recuva” to directly take you to the download pages.
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Yes, you can Access a Windows Desktop from Your Smartphone or Tablet. IPads and android tablets or smartphones can’t run windows app locally, but with this, you can remote your Windows desktop, even with a physical keyboard. Many apps have been developed and launched like Microsoft remote desktop appTeamViewer for Remote Control, among which Microsoft app is mostly used for professional use while the other app can also be used for personal uses.


This app has reduced the workload from one’s head of staying in the home and working all day and canceling the vacations and many more just because the work info is available on your PC. With Microsoft remote desktop app, you can connect to your work resources and remote PC from anywhere you feel like working. This app is mostly used for business and professional use rather than personal use.

Features of this app :
  • Access your desktop with your phones easily.
  • Rich multi-touch experience with the remote desktop protocol (RDP).
  • It has an outstanding feature or technology, namely Network Layer Authentication which secure connection to your data and applications.
  • High-quality video and sound streaming.
Review for this app: This app is friendly for business-related persons or for professional use but not so friendly for personal use.


This app is friendly for personal use too no matter wherever you are, rather than controlling your own computer you can also remotely troubleshoot your relative's PC.
Features : 
  • Access to computers (Windows, Mac, Linux) is possible also during a telephone call.
  • Transfer the files from your PC to the phone or from the phone to the PC.
  • Automatic quality adjustment.
  • Remotely reboot the computer.
  • TeamViewer free is for private use only e.g. to access or solve your or your friend's computer problems.
All you have to do is Download an Install Teamviewer on Your Desktop and Mobile, after installing on your smartphone you will have to log in with the details that TeamViewer window displays.

Other Options: Other than these two apps you surely have other options too if you are not friendly with both of them.
Splashtop: This is another popular remote desktop app that people reportedly has said that it is faster. But unfortunately, this is not a free app as it may cost you around $20 at a regular price. And to use it over the internet you need to buy an additional “Anywhere access pack”. This app can be used or purchased if you don’t mind spending money or if you need a faster app to complete your work fast.

Conclusion: With the development of these apps both personal and professional works are carried out easily and in a better manner with easy access.
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Today I will share a short but a Fun Facebook trick with all you Readers, Most of us Use Facebook and update statuses. Normally when you update your status from mobile, then it shows “via Mobile ” or the Name of the brand of mobile you used to update that status. But what if I tell you we can Post Custom Via Status on Facebook which shows like ” Updated via Macbook Pro ” or “iPhone 5” or any other gadget or thing that you don’t even own.

There may be more fun things coming in your mind already, How about “via Potato ” or “via GTA 5″ or ” via Calculator” why not, it can be anything that you can best think of. So let's move on and see how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. Continue reading the below Simple steps, and you will learn it easily.


Step 1: First of all To Post Custom Via Status on Facebook, you will need to create an app on Facebook, Nope that's not hard at all, you don't need to do any Coding, Follow me while I show you how to do it.
Step 2: Click here to go to the Facebook Developer page, there if you are asked to register as a developer, read this step and if you are not asked and you are already registered then skip to Step 3.

Click on Register as a developer and Check the box ” I accept the Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy” and Click on Continue > Continue > Done.
Step 3: Now you are Registered as Developer, Now click on Create a new app, Next Step is to name your App so Name it anything that you want to show as “updated via XYZ”. Here in my case it will show ” updated via ” as I have named it as you can see in the below picture. Now click on Continue, Leave everything else as it is.

Step 4:  On the next page you will be filling some more details like App domain and Site URL, As you can see I have entered my site URL in both the Cases. Everything is done now Click on Save Changes. Note the APP ID we will need it in Next Step

Step 5: You app is Ready, Now its time to use it. Simply Copy the Below URL, Open a new tab in your Browser, Paste it in the address bar, You will have to Replace my APP ID with yours in following URL which is Highlighted in Green Color,

Also Understand that if you want to Redirect your Friends to your own blog when they try and click on your Custom Via Status, then Replace with yours in the above URL.
Step 6: Once you have Replaced the app id and Pasted the URL in your address bar, hit enter and boom, you will see something like below Pic, obviously with your app name.

Step 7: Now its time to let your friends know about this, Write your status and click on Share. You will be redirected to but its time to check your timeline to see your Custom via Facebook Status.
Conclusion :
So Now in this article, you learned how to create your own App and how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. If In Case you find it Tedious, then I will share one more method, you simply go and click on any name you want as updated via of your choice and you will be taken to the status update page directly.
You might be thinking why so long process when you can do it with this site way to easy? Well, My main aim was to explain the whole process of how it works. and on the above-mentioned site, you are limited to choose the name from the option provided. it's always better to make your own choice of a custom name.
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Do you use a wireless network like Wi-Fi at your home or office? And afraid of it getting hacked by other people (hackers)? Now a day hacking has become key stress or tension for the peoples and are you one among them getting stressed? Then now you don’t need to get worried about it and let me handle that stress and problem, you just have to do is go through this article and try the stated tips on your own and learn How to Protect Wi-Fi network.

Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi) has made it so easy for anyone to use the Internet on your computer, mobile phones, tablets, and other wireless devices anywhere in the house without the clutter of cables.

With traditional wired networks, it is extremely difficult for someone to steal your bandwidth but the big problem with wireless signals is that others can access the Internet using your broadband connection even while they are in a neighboring building or sitting in a car that’s parked outside your apartment.
This practice, also known as piggybacking, is bad for three reasons:
  • It will increase your monthly Internet bill especially when you have to pay per byte of data transfer.
  • It will decrease your Internet access speed since you are now sharing the same internet connection with other users.
  • It can create a security hazard* as others may hack your computers and access your personal files through your own wireless network.
[*] What do the bad guys use – There have been quite a few instances where innocent Internet users have been arrested for sending hate emails when in reality, their email accounts where hacked though the unsecured Wi-Fi networks that they had at home. Wireshark is a free packet sniffing tool for Linux, Mac, and Windows that can scan traffic flowing through a wireless network including cookies, forms, and other HTTP requests.

How to Secure Your Wireless Network

The good news is that it is not very hard to make your wireless network secure, which will both prevent others from stealing your internet and will also prevent hackers from taking control of your computers through your own wireless network.
Here a few simple things that you should secure your wireless network:

Step 1. Open your router settings page

First, you need to know how to access your wireless router’s settings. Usually, you can do this by typing in “” into your web browser, and then enter the correct user name and password for the router. This is different for each router, so first, check your router’s user manual.
You can also use Google to find the manuals for most routers online in case you lost the printed manual that came with your router purchase. For your reference, here are direct links to the manufacturer’s site of some popular router brands – LinksysCiscoNetgearApple AirPortSMCD-LinkBuffalo, TP-LINK3ComBelkin.

Step 2. Create a unique password on your router

Once you have logged into your router, the first thing you should do to secure your network is to change the default password* of the router to something more secure.
This will prevent others from accessing the router and you can easily maintain the security settings that you want. You can change the password from the Administration settings on your router’s settings page. The default values are generally admin/password.
[*] What do the bad guys use  This is a public database of default usernames and passwords of wireless routers, modems, switches, and other networking equipment. For instance, anyone can easily make out from the database that the factory-default settings for Linksys equipment can be accessed by using admin for both username and password fields.

Step 3. Change your Network’s SSID name

The SSID (or Wireless Network Name) of your Wireless Router is usually pre-defined as “default” or is set as the brand name of the router (e.g., Linksys). Although this will not make your network inherently* more secure, changing the SSID name of your network is a good idea as it will make it more obvious for others to know which network they are connecting to.
This setting is usually under the basic wireless settings in your router’s settings page. Once this is set, you will always be sure that you are connecting to the correct Wireless network even if there are multiple wireless networks in your area. Don’t use your name, home address or other personal information in the SSID name.
[*] What do the bad guys use  Wi-Fi scanning tools like inSSIDer(Windows) and Kismet (Mac, Linux) are free and they will allow anyone to find all the available Wireless Networks in an area even if the routers are not broadcasting their SSID name.

Step 4. Enable Network Encryption

To prevent other computers in the area from using your internet connection, you need to encrypt your wireless signals.
There are several encryption methods for wireless settings, including WEP, WPA (WPA-Personal), and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2). WEP is basic encryption and therefore least secure (i.e., it can be easily cracked*, but is compatible with a wide range of devices including older hardware, whereas WPA2 is the most secure but is only compatible with hardware manufactured since 2006.
To enable encryption on your Wireless network, open the wireless security settings on your router’s configuration page. This will usually let you select which security method you wish to choose; if you have older devices, choose WEP, otherwise, go with WPA2. Enter a passphrase to access the network; make sure to set this to something that would be difficult for others to guess, and consider using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters in the passphrase.
[*] What do the bad guys use  AirCrack and Chowpatty are some free tools that allow even non-hackers to crack the WEP / WPA (PSK) keys using a dictionary or brute force techniques. A video on YouTube suggests that AirCrack may be easily used to break WiFi encryption using a jail-broken iPhone or an iPod Touch.

Step 5. Filter MAC addresses

Whether you have a laptop or a Wi-Fi enabled mobile phone, all your wireless devices have a unique MAC address (this has nothing to do with an Apple Mac) just like every computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP address. For an added layer of protection, you can add the MAC addresses of all your devices to your wireless router’s settings so that only the specified devices can connect to your Wi-Fi network.
MAC addresses are hard-coded into your networking equipment, so one address will only let that one device on the network. It is, unfortunately, possible to spoof a MAC address*, but an attacker must first know one of the MAC addresses of the computers that are connected to your Wireless network before he can attempt spoofing.
To enable MAC address filtering, first make a list of all your hardware devices that you want to connect to your wireless network**. Find their MAC addresses, and then add them to the MAC address filtering in your router’s administrative settings. You can find the MAC address for your computers by opening Command Prompt and typing in “ipconfig /all”, which will show your MAC address beside the name “Physical Address”. You can find the MAC addresses of Wireless mobile phones and other portable devices under their network settings, though this will vary for each device.
[*] What do the bad guys use – Someone can change the MAC address of his or her own computer and can easily connect to your network since your network allows connection from devices that have that particular MAC address. Anyone can determine the MAC address of your device wireless using a sniffing tool like Nmap and he can then change the MAC address of his own computer using another free tool like MAC Shift.

Step 6. Reduce the Range of the Wireless Signal

If your wireless router has a high range but you are staying in a small studio apartment, you can consider decreasing the signal range by either changing the mode of your router to 802.11g (instead of 802.11n or 802.11b) or use a different wireless channel.
You can also try placing the router under the bed, inside a shoebox or wrap a foil around the router antennas so that you can somewhat restrict the direction of signals.
Apply the Anti-Wi-Fi Paint – Researchers have developed a special Wi-Fi blocking paint that can help you stop neighbors from accessing your home network without you having to set up encryption at the router level. The paint contains chemicals that block radio signals by absorbing them. “By coating an entire room, Wi-Fi signals can’t get in and, crucially, can’t get out.”

Step 7. Upgrade your Router’s firmware

You should check the manufacturer’s site occasionally to make sure that your router is running the latest firmware. You can find the existing firmware version of your router using the router’s dashboard at 192.168.*.

Connect to your Secure Wireless Network

To conclude, MAC Address filtering with WPA2 (AES) encryption (and a really complex passphrase) is probably the best way to secure your wireless network.
Once you have enabled the various security settings in your wireless router, you need to add the new settings to your computers and other wireless devices so that they all can connect to the Wi-Fi network. You can select to have your computer automatically connect to this network, so you won’t have to enter the SSID, passphrase and other information every time you connect to the Internet.
Your wireless network will now be a lot more secure and intruders may have a tough time intercepting your Wi-Fi signals.

Who is Connected to your Wireless Network

If you are worried that an outsider may be connecting to the Internet using your Wireless network, try AirSnare – it’s a free utility that will look for unexpected MAC addresses on your Wireless network as well as to DHCP requests. Another option is that you open your router’s administration page (using the 192.168.* address) and look for the DHCP Clients Table (it’s under Status > Local Network on Linksys routers). Here you will see a list of all computers and wireless devices that are connected to your home network.

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Saturday 5 March 2016


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People hate to visit websites that require more time for loading. So one should always seek to improve the webpage load time, so to do so you have to look at many things like loading sources, page cache, media files, etc. One among such media file is images, adding beauty to your page, but at the same time, it is regarded as the bulkiest resources which takes much time to load on the page, thereby causing inconvenience to the visitors.
But one can improve the page load time by cutting the size of an image to a significant amount. But even resizing the image without any proper knowledge may be troublesome as you may lose the quality it had. Though photoshop provides a nice feature to save the original quality of the pic, it is not preferred much as it’s too expensive to purchase the photoshop application for desktop or web version. So here I’m going to provide you with free online tools to Resize Image without losing Quality



JPEG, PNG, GIF, SIV are some of the image formats that can be compressed with this online application. This reduces the image to a quite considerable point without losing the image size.
This application is also available in Chrome and Firefox extensions


After uploading the image from your computer, give the size of the image and quality you wish to have after processing. This provides only some control of the output and compression ratio But Greatly Helps to Resize Image without losing Quality.

3.SMUSH.IT: is the best and popular online application you can have to compress images. It is present with an up-loader as well as a URL box to have the image. In this, you will not be provided with the ‘enter’ option to enter the image quality as that of the previous one because it automatically optimizes the image by compressing it to a limit.


I would suggest you have this application, for more control of the image quality. A slider appears as soon as you upload an image to auto control the quality of the last image. A preview panel is provided for showcasing the changes according to the quality slider change. So before downloading the image, you can have a review of your final image. This application is available on different domains for JPG and PNG images.


This application is available to compress the PNG files. Upload an image and you can get a compressed size of the image. Besides this,, a quick tool to compress the PNG images to the best level without affecting the image quality.


If you need a Desktop tool to do this task then I would suggest you to have PNG Gauntlet as your first choice, You will need. Microsoft Net Framework 4.0 to run this tool on your Windows.
Resize Image without loosing Quality

You won’t face any difficulty in Using this tool as it is very User-Friendly. While Optimizing the images PNG Gauntlet will show you the older size and Optimized size of the image. this Program is not that Fastest at its work but Useful.
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You can not only Watch single Video in VLC  but also Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC to watch them in Sequence, Some More Advantages of Watching Youtube Videos In VLC Media player are:
  • Watch Youtube Videos without Ads, Means no Disturbance While Watching your Favourite Video.
  • Use Loop Button To Watch a Video, Again and again, Many times.
  • Increase or Decrease the Speed of the Video
  • Take Snapshots of any particular Screen of a Song or Movie.


Now let us Get Started With Steps to Watch Youtube Videos In VLC, Follow the Below Simple Steps.
Step 1: Open VLC media player, Click on File > Open Network Or Simply Use CTRL+N Keys to Open up Network URL Dialog box.
Step 2: Open Youtube, Navigate to Whatever Video you want to Play in VLC, Copy the Url of that video and Paste it in the Dialogue Box. and click on Play.
Step 3: Enjoy Your Video.
Simple Enough hah, Now Let us see How to Watch Youtube Playlist In VLC Media Player.
Step 1: To Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC we will be Using an addon, So Click here to Goto the Downloading Page of the VLC addon Called VLC Playlist Parser. Make sure you have the Latest Version of VLC Running on your system.
Step 2: Download the addon, Copy it and paste it in the Videos Installation folder which in most cases would be C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist. 
Step 3: Everything is done, Now Open VLC, Press CTRL+N Paste Video Playlist URL Which needs to be Public. Click on Play and Enjoy all the Videos.
I Just Hope this tutorial on How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player Helps all you Youtube Lovers
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