Thursday 5 October 2017

How to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot

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How to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot

How to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspotThere are many good things about turning your iPhone to a wireless hotspot. For example, you are traveling somewhere and you are carrying your laptop or tablet. You have two options, you can work offline on the tablet or laptop, or browse the internet on a very small screen. It would be great if you could use your 3G or 4G connection of the iPhone and go online on your laptop or tablet, right?

The good thing is that you can easily do this with your iPhone. It is quite easy to share your cellular connection with other devices you use. This feature is popular as tethering and it is really helpful -you don’t have to look for a café or a restaurant to use the internet or search for a free public hotspot.

Turning your iPhone to a wireless hotspot is quite easy. However, we recommend you to contact your carrier first and see if they allow this option or whether it is included in your monthly plan. This will exclude the chances of any unplanned extra fees. You also have to take care of your monthly bandwidth quota. In case you have limited bandwidth for the month, make sure to use this option only when you really need it.

Why should I create a Wi-Fi hotspot with my iPhone?

Let's say you're traveling with your iPhone and MacBook or a Wi-Fi-only iPad and want to do some work. At this point you've got two options: do the work on the larger-screen devices, but without being able to connect to any online resources; or go online but be stuck with a smaller screen.

Turning your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot gives you a handy third option, allowing the laptop and tablet to piggyback on the phone's web connection. Wi-Fi hotspots are great for working on the go.

It's easy to turn your iPhone into a hotspot, but you may wish to speak to your phone carrier first or at least check your contract's terms and conditions; some networks prefer you not to do this and may charge you extra (or cap your data allowance) if they spot you set up a hotspot.

And while we're talking about data allowances, this is another thing to bear in mind: if you have a limited allowance you should only use the Wi-Fi hotspot for a short amount of time.

How to create an iPhone hotspot

Tethering basically transforms your iPhone into a wireless router just like the ones we all have at our homes. Of course, you won’t be able to login to the new router using its default IP (for example and password) and tweak its settings, but it practically does the same job. Then the iPhone sends a wireless signals which enables us to connect our devices to the internet. The laptop or tablet can connect to the iPhone either by USB, or Bluetooth or wireless. It is quite good to know that your beloved iPhone can do this. So, if you want to turn your iPhone to a wireless hotspot follow these steps:

  1. Tap the Settings icon
  2. Then tap on Cellular and turn on Cellular Data. Make sure to set it to 3G or 4G in the Cellular Data Options.
  3. Go back and tap Personal Hotspot and turn it ON..
  4. Tap on Wi-Fi Password and enter a password you would like to use to connect your devices. At the same time, this will prevent others from connecting to your wireless hotspot.
  5. On the laptop click on the Network icon and from the available networks select the one labeled as “iPhone” or similar.
  6. Click on that network name and enter the password you have set up earlier.
Now you will be able to browse the Internet on any device you connect to your personal wireless hotspot. However, don’t forget you are using the data connection from your iPhone. Maybe you won’t get so good performance as with the Internet connection you have at home, but we are sure you will be able to do all the tasks you want to do.

Here's how to set up an iPhone Wi-Fi hotspot:

  • Open the Settings app, then select Mobile Data. (In iOS 10 or later. In some older versions of iOS you just select Mobile.)
  • Tap Personal Hotspot, and set Personal Hotspot to On. (Tap the slide so it turns green.)
  • If Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth are off, iOS will ask if you want to turn them back on. We'd recommend doing so - without them, the hotspot will be limited to USB. This is more secure, however.
  • Tap 'Wi-Fi Password' and enter a suitable password. (This isn't related to your Apple ID or usual Wi-Fi connection.)
  • Now check the name of the hotspot listed under To Connect Using Wi-Fi (we get "David's iPhone").
  • Click the Wi-Fi icon in your Mac's Menu bar, or open the Settings app and tap Wi-Fi on an iPad, and choose the Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • Enter the password from Step 4.
  • That should be it. You should now be able to browse the internet on your MacBook or Wi-Fi-only iPad using the connection provided by your iPhone.

Don’t forget to turn OFF the hotspot when you don’t use it since it will drain your iPhone battery very quickly.

What are the dangers of creating an iPhone hotspot

There is always a possibility that someone will try to connect to your iPhone hotspot and use your bandwidth without your knowledge. If you have set up a password as we have mentioned before you shouldn’t worry about this. However, if someone guesses your password you will be notified when he or she gets connected to the wireless hotspot. If this happens you will be notified so you can react in time.

Another thing you have to take good care of is bandwidth. It is quite easy to forget paying attention to it while you are surfing. However, you can always use third-party apps to control the bandwidth. At the same time avoid downloading large files or updating your computer. This can consume large amounts of data and very soon you will hit the limit. So, always make sure to pay attention to this. Plus, when you use your iPhone as a hotspot you will notice the battery gets drained faster than usual.

Dangers & warnings

What if someone tries to hijack your connection, burning through your data connection and/or accessing dodgy sites and content?

You should be okay because the iPhone hotspot is password-protected. (All the more reason not to choose the word "password" or something else that's easily guessed.) And you'll see a small notification at the top of your iPhone's screen when a device accesses its hotspot, so you'll get a warning if someone in your train carriage does manage to guess your password.

A more important warning concerns data limits on your own surfing. It's easy to forget when accessing the web over a device that's normally limited to Wi-Fi connections, that you're working against a 3G or 4G data limit. Remember that you're on the clock, so to speak, and we'd suggest avoiding downloading large apps and similar.
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The Top 7 Proxy Services For Gaming

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Previously we have published an article on "Access Blocked Sites In Schools And College". Here in this article we will see some proxy sites to unblock, blocked gaming sites, Not only gaming sites but others too. Many companies block famous game sites from their internet to keep employers off of them. This is also true for schools and various other organizations. There is a way to get past these blocks by using a proxy and being able to access the games. Here are the top proxy sites that are ad-free.

Free Gate:

One of the best things about this service is that it can be used in both the English and Chinese languages. Since China is notorious for blocking sites, those who are international and want to unlock websites can use this one. It is the most popular site around because it works and works well. However, most employers know about this one, so if they block it, you won’t be able to use it. User reviews are high for this service.

Ultra Surf:

This one does require a download but doesn’t require any installation to run. Supports both English and Chinese, it is a great choice for getting through gaming sites. When there is heavy Internet censorship, this is the one to use. It has a great rating and it is one that is not as recognizable as Free Gate so it has a chance of being open rather than blocked. Surf the web without one trace of your IP address.


Those who frequent Skype or GTalk will find accessing this site simple, as you can do it through these services. If you want to protect your anonymity online, this is the site to use. Because of its easy to use the platform, it has a high rating among users.


Tor supports many different languages, not just common English and Chinese. It has been around for some time and is one of the proxies that support instant messaging clients and also those who need to log in remotely. Protect your browsing habits and access sites you never thought possible.

Gapp Proxy:

Based on Google App Engine, Gapp Proxy is one of the newer proxies. This service had its last update in 2010, so it is not as up to date as some of the sites. Users will need to create a GAE application to access this service. Though it is one of the top 10 free proxies, it is a little bit difficult to get going. However, once that is done, it is smooth sailing.


The last update was the final one to this service, but it still will get you past all those blocked sites. To use this service you must create a Google App Engine application. You will need JAVA to be able to access this proxy and set up can be a bit of a pain. Though it may not be popular enough to do any future updates, it still works great the way it is.

Your Freedom:

Saving the best for last, this rudimentary service will not cost a dime. Those who are worried about SPAM and about pop-ups will not have to worry about this service. It is by far one of the superior services that allow access to any site. They are constantly updating, so their new platforms allow users to enjoy getting through even the toughest security set-ups.

Where there’s a will there’s away. If you want to get into a game page bad enough you can by using a proxy server. Some are difficult to set up but others will allow instant access with a simple download. The trick is to find one that is not blocked by the employer or country.

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How To Boot Ubuntu From A USB Flash Drive


 How To Boot Ubuntu From A USB Flash Drive

Below are the three methods, that can be adopted to boot Ubuntu OS from a USB Flash Drive!

Option 1: Boot Ubuntu as a Live CD from a USB Flash Drive

Use this option to install Ubuntu as a Live Install, which allows you to boot from the USB flash drive in Ubuntu, experience the Linux environment but will not retain any changes or settings after you shut down. This is a great way to get a feel for the OS, test some of it's capabilities as well as typical hardware compatibility.

Programs you may need to download:
  1. Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD ISO is available at
  2. Universal USB Installer available at

What you will need:
  1. Computer Running Windows XP/Vista/7.
  2. Fat32 Formatted USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 1GB.
  3. PC with a Bios that can boot from USB.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin to set up our Ubuntu Live USB Drive,
  1. Run the Universal USB Installer by that you downloaded earlier.
  2. Choose Ubuntu 9.10/10.04.1 Desktop i386.
  3. Select the Ubuntu Live CD that you downloaded earlier.
  4. Choose your Flash Drive.
  5. In this instance, we are going to leave the persistence option unchecked.

This can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your system. At one point the progress bar will freeze until it is done, and this is the lengthiest wait of the process.

Once complete, you can reboot your computer with the USB flash drive in the USB port, press F12 for the Boot Menu and choose the removable media to boot from and you are in.

As this is a Live USB, any changes you make to the Ubuntu environment will not persist through a reboot. This is because running in this mode, Ubuntu uses available RAM in place of Swap and Hard Disk space. This option also contains the install files needed to install Ubuntu directly to your desktop if you should so desire.

Option 2: Boot Ubuntu as a Live CD with Persistence from a USB Flash Drive

This option will install Ubuntu Linux onto your flash drive with an area for persistent storage. You will be able to restart the computer, boot back into the Linux environment and all settings or changes made previously will persist.

Note: This option is particularly hard on Flash Memory, as there can be quite a bit of reading and writing to the Flash Memory.

What you will need:
  1. Computer Running Windows XP/Vista/7.
  2. Fat32 Formatted USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 2GB.
  3. PC with a Bios that can boot from USB.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin to set up our Ubuntu Live USB Drive,
  1. Run the Universal USB Installer by that you downloaded earlier.
  2. Choose Ubuntu 9.10/10.04.1 Desktop i386.
  3. Select the Ubuntu Live CD that you downloaded earlier.
  4. Choose your Flash Drive.
  5. Select the Persistence Option of 1GB Casper-RW.

This can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your system. At one point the progress bar will freeze until it is done, and this is the lengthiest wait of the process.

Once complete, you can reboot your computer with the USB flash drive in the USB port, press F12 for the Boot Menu and choose the removable media to boot from and you are in.

As this is a Live USB with Persistence, any changes you make to the Ubuntu environment will keep through a reboot. This option also contains the install files needed to install Ubuntu directly to your desktop if you should so desire.

Option 3: Install Ubuntu directly to a USB flash drive

This option works by installing Ubuntu to the flash drive like a complete installation. It does not retain the installation files to install on another system. This will allow you to use Ubuntu exactly as if it were installed alone on the hard disk. You can boot from it with any computer that can boot from a USB flash drive.

Note: This method requires that you disable your hard drive in BIOS to prevent overwriting your current operating system and force the install onto the USB drive.

What you will need:
  1. USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 4GB.
  2. PC with a BIOS that can boot from USB.
  3. Blank CD.
  4. A Computer with the ability to Burn CD/DVD.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin the process,
  1. First, you will need to burn your Ubuntu ISO to CD using a program like ImgBurn available at
  2. Boot your computer and press F2 to enter the system BIOS. Within here you will want to disable your Hard Drive. If this is not an option in your BIOS, I would suggest shutting down your computer and unplugging the power and data cables from your hard drive before proceeding. Note: If you choose not to disable your hard drive, you run the risk of installing Ubuntu on top of your current OS and can lose valuable information.
  3. After you have disabled your hard drive, place the Ubuntu Live CD into your computer and boot from this.
  4. At the initial boot screen, choose to try Ubuntu, not install.
  5. Once Ubuntu loads, plug in the desired flash drive into the computer.
  6. Now, double click on the Install Ubuntu icon that appears on the desktop.
  7. The first 3 screens are language, time zone, and keyboard layout.
  8. Now Ubuntu will notify you that there is a disk mounted, and asks to unmount it. This is your flash drive. Give it permission to unmount.
  9. This is the prepare disk space screen. I chose to leave mine at default and let the installer handle the partitions needed by Linux.
  10. Now you will see the login and user information screen.
  11. Now you are ready to install, click install.
  12. At one point during the installation, you may notice a skip button appear on the bottom left. This is to skip the auto-update, and finally the language packs. I chose to skip the language packs update.
  13. This may take a while, mine took about 35 minutes to complete. When it is done, eject the disk and shut down the computer. Plug your hard drive back in if necessary, or boot your computer into bios and re-enable it. Reboot your computer and press F12 to enter the boot menu, choose the flash drive and boot into Ubuntu.
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Forget Your Windows 7 Password? Create Windows 7 Password Reset Disk

Forget Your Windows 7 Password

Suppose if you forgot Windows 7 password, you would try to find solutions to recover or reset it through the internet. Soon you would find one solution—using Windows 7 password reset USB disk, which is most mentioned by people. So here in this article, I will show you the exact ways to create a Windows 7 password reset disk.

Theoretically, a password reset disk Windows 7 can be made with a CD/DVD or USB flash drive. Since USB flash drive is more convenient to carry and safer to preserve, here I highly recommend creating a Windows 7 reset password with USB to prevent your computer from being locked. Below are guides on how to create a Win 7 password recovery USB.

Situation 1 :)

If you haven’t forgotten your Windows 7 password yet. In this situation, you can easily make such a password reset USB disc for free to prevent your computer from being locked.

Now follow the below steps:
  1. Insert the prepared USB flash drive into your computer.
  2. Type “reset” in the Windows search box and select “Create a password reset disk”. 
  3. When the “Forgotten Password Wizard” appears, click “Next”.
  4. Select your USB flash drive and click “Next”.
  5. Once the wizard finishes creating the reset disk, click “Next” then “Finish”.
  6. That's it. Job Done!

Situation 2 :(

If you have already forgotten your Windows 7 password. Many computer users actually didn’t take any precautions against Windows 7 password forgotten problem before they find they’ve lost or forgotten the password. So if you don’t have such a password reset disk when you forget or lose your Windows 7 password, you need to seek other ways to make one and then use that to reset Windows 7 password.

Here’s how to create a reset password Windows 7 USB with Windows Password Recovery Enhance:

You need to do the below steps in another system to recover your system.
  1. Download and install PC Login Now's an iso file.
  2. Burn the ISO file to CD (Use Magic ISO).
  3. After you have created a bootable disk, Insert that disk into the DVD Drive and Restart your computer.
  4. Set the BIOS to boot from CD. (Mostly not required if your system automatically detects the disk on your DVD Drive).
  5. The software then automatically runs.
  6. Use PCLoginNow to finish the job.

Download-file is an ISO file named “PCLoginNow_Free.ISO” which should be burned to a CD before using it.
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How To Make A Folder Invisible

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Make A Folder Invisible

Using this trick You can do two things,

  1. Creating A Folder Without Name.
  2. Making An Invisible Folder.
The Later is derived from the former one.

Creating a folder without a name:

Using this trick You can do two things,

  1. Creating A Folder Without Name.
  2. Making An Invisible Folder.
The Later is derived from the former one.

Creating a folder without a name:

Creating an invisible folder is very simple. Just do the above things and create a folder without name. Then follow the below steps.
  • Right-click the folder and go to Properties.
  • Select the Customize Tab.
  • In the Folder icons section, click the Change Icon button.
  • Move the navbar, you can find empty spaces in between various icons. Select any one empty space among them and press Ok.
  • Now, you will see nothing unless you click that place, where your folder was previously present.
If you have any problem with doing this just leave a comment. I will help you.

This instructable will teach you how to make an invisible folder. You can hide lots of things in it and nobody, but you!

NOTE: This instructable works for Windows 7Vista, and XP. I'm not sure if this works for Windows 2000 and earlier (someone please help me on this.)

Step 1: Getting the Folder

1. right-click on your desktop
2. go to "new"
3. click "folder"

a new folder should pop up...

Step 2: Making It Invisible!!!

1. right-click on the folder
2. click on "properties"
3. click on "customize"
4. click on "change icon"
5. click on a blank space

it should be invisible...

Step 3: Finishing It Up (Optional)

NOTE: this is optional

making the words invisible:

1. go to properties
2. go to the rename box
3. hold ALT and press "0160" in the box (use a number pad)

Now you can hide all the stuff you want to in it!

Step 4: If You Have Vista

I just got vista not too long ago. I also found this annoying bug in vista. My invisible folders won't delete!

Here's what you do:

1. hold "shift" and "right-click" the desktop
2. click "open command window here"
the command prompt should open
3. type in:
ren "(hold alt and press 0160)" temp
4. move the folder into the recycle bin

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New Shutdown Trick With Countdown

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New Shutdown Trick With Countdown

New Shutdown Trick With Countdown

  • Open RUN by pressing window+ r
  • Then type there “shutdown -s -t 3600" without quotes and press ENTER. 
  • Now you’ll see a box telling you that “your system is shutting down”. 
  • You cannot stop this count down by task manager and by any other method. within one minute your system will restart. 

If you want not shut your pc then follow the below steps:

  1. Immediately got to run and type “shutdown -a” or “shutdown /a” without quotes and press enter. 
  2. This will stop the count down.
  3. You may vary the time. here 3600 is for 1 minute. you may set the time to 1 second also but you cannot stop this within 1 second so increase it!

Many a time people like to sleep on music, but the problem is that the comp will continue running the whole night. Here is how you can create a countdown timer to shutdown your comp in your specified time.

Go running in the start menu and input this command

shutdown -s -t 3600

this will create a countdown timer that will go off in 3600 seconds (1 Hour). you can replace the 3600 to any time limit you want the comp to shut down, but remember the time should always be expressed in seconds i.e if u want the comp to shutdown in Half an hour you have to write 1800 and so on...

If you are as lazy as me and don't want to input the command each time, then create a batch file or shortcut

open a notepad and type

shutdown -s -t 3600

now in the files menu select "save as" and save this file as Activate.bat

Just double-clicking this file will activate your timer

On the desktop right-click and create a new shortcut. in the location type

shutdown -s -t 3600

Give it any name like "Activate timer"
Again, double-clicking this newly created shortcut will do the same.


another operator that you can use with this command is -f. this will force a shutdown on the system. suppose you want the comp to shut down as quickly as possible you can give a command

shutdown -s -f -t 00

here we have used a -f operator and the delay is set to 0 seconds.

(as we are talking about the quick shutdown, u can use the command
c:windowssystem32tsshutdn.exe 00 /POWERDOWN /DELAY:00 also)

Any time when you want to stop the running timer use a -an operator(standing for abort)

the command is

shutdown -a 

You can use it in any way u prefer, like direct input in the run (or command prompt), create a .bat file or create a shortcut on the desktop


shutdown -r (restarting)
shutdown -r -t 3600 (timer for restarting in 1 hour)
shutdown -r -f -t 00 (quick reboot)

Don't forget to Share or Comment if you like this trick!
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