Thursday 5 October 2017

How To Make A Folder Invisible

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Make A Folder Invisible

Using this trick You can do two things,

  1. Creating A Folder Without Name.
  2. Making An Invisible Folder.
The Later is derived from the former one.

Creating a folder without a name:

Using this trick You can do two things,

  1. Creating A Folder Without Name.
  2. Making An Invisible Folder.
The Later is derived from the former one.

Creating a folder without a name:

Creating an invisible folder is very simple. Just do the above things and create a folder without name. Then follow the below steps.
  • Right-click the folder and go to Properties.
  • Select the Customize Tab.
  • In the Folder icons section, click the Change Icon button.
  • Move the navbar, you can find empty spaces in between various icons. Select any one empty space among them and press Ok.
  • Now, you will see nothing unless you click that place, where your folder was previously present.
If you have any problem with doing this just leave a comment. I will help you.

This instructable will teach you how to make an invisible folder. You can hide lots of things in it and nobody, but you!

NOTE: This instructable works for Windows 7Vista, and XP. I'm not sure if this works for Windows 2000 and earlier (someone please help me on this.)

Step 1: Getting the Folder

1. right-click on your desktop
2. go to "new"
3. click "folder"

a new folder should pop up...

Step 2: Making It Invisible!!!

1. right-click on the folder
2. click on "properties"
3. click on "customize"
4. click on "change icon"
5. click on a blank space

it should be invisible...

Step 3: Finishing It Up (Optional)

NOTE: this is optional

making the words invisible:

1. go to properties
2. go to the rename box
3. hold ALT and press "0160" in the box (use a number pad)

Now you can hide all the stuff you want to in it!

Step 4: If You Have Vista

I just got vista not too long ago. I also found this annoying bug in vista. My invisible folders won't delete!

Here's what you do:

1. hold "shift" and "right-click" the desktop
2. click "open command window here"
the command prompt should open
3. type in:
ren "(hold alt and press 0160)" temp
4. move the folder into the recycle bin

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